Which Enneagram Type are You?

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Enneagram 3 Self-Preservation Subtype

enneagram 3

Introduction to Enneagram 3 Self-preservation Subtype

The Enneagram 3 Self-preservation subtype, often denoted as 3sp, is a unique blend of the core characteristics of Type 3 with the self-preserving instinct. At their best, these individuals combine the ambition and goal-oriented mindset of a typical Three with a particular focus on personal security, well-being, and practical achievements. They are driven, but their drive often has a pragmatic slant.

Unlike the more image-conscious tendencies of other Type 3s, the Self-preservation subtype is more focused on achieving goals that contribute to their long-term security and well-being. This may manifest in a keen interest in financial stability, career progression, and accumulating resources.

Because of their focus on practical achievements, they are often viewed as grounded and sensible. However, this can sometimes lead to an excessive emphasis on work and productivity, neglecting emotional or interpersonal aspects of life. Balance can be a struggle for this subtype.

Their ambition is usually channeled into areas that promise tangible rewards or security. They are not as concerned with public image or social status as other Type 3s might be, although these can still be motivating factors.

The Self-preservation 3 often has a strong sense of duty and responsibility, not just to themselves but also to their immediate circle. This includes family and close friends, whom they view as extensions of their own security and success.

Strengths and Weaknesses

One of the notable strengths of the Enneagram 3 Self-preservation subtype is their practicality. Their goal-oriented nature is firmly rooted in realistic and achievable ambitions, which makes them highly effective in their pursuits. This practical focus ensures that their efforts are often rewarded with tangible results, be it in their career, financial assets, or personal projects.

However, this strong focus on practical achievements can sometimes become a weakness. They may neglect other areas of life that don’t directly contribute to their sense of security or well-being. Emotional connections, personal growth, and even leisure activities can be sidelined if they don’t see an immediate, practical benefit.

Their tendency to be workaholics can also be a double-edged sword. While this trait helps them achieve their goals, it can also lead to burnout and stress. Their constant drive to improve and secure their position can create an imbalance in work-life equilibrium.

Another strength is their ability to plan for the long term. While some may criticize them for being too cautious or conservative, their forward-thinking approach often pays off in the end. They are adept at risk assessment, making them excellent in decision-making roles where foresight is crucial.

Despite these strengths, they are not immune to the core Type 3 fear of being worthless without their achievements. This fear can make them highly sensitive to failures or setbacks, and they may go to great lengths to avoid appearing unsuccessful, even if it means sacrificing their health or personal relationships in the process.

Relationships and Social Dynamics

In relationships, the Self-preservation 3 is usually reliable and committed. They often bring the same goal-oriented approach to relationships as they do to their careers. A stable and secure relationship is often considered another ‘achievement’ in their life portfolio. They are generally supportive partners, offering practical help and advice.

However, they can struggle with emotional intimacy. Their pragmatic nature and focus on achievements can sometimes make it difficult for them to connect on a deeper emotional level. They may view emotional vulnerability as a form of weakness that threatens their self-image as competent and self-sufficient individuals.

It’s not uncommon for this subtype to gravitate towards partnerships that also offer some form of practical advantage, whether that’s financial security, career connections, or shared goals. While this might sound calculating, it’s generally not meant to be manipulative; rather, it’s an extension of their self-preserving instincts.

This subtype often has a small but solid social circle. They prefer quality over quantity and invest their time and resources in relationships that offer mutual benefits. They can be excellent friends and partners who bring a lot of practical support and advice to the table.

Friendships and family relationships are also seen through the lens of long-term stability and mutual benefit. They are usually there in times of crisis, offering practical help rather than emotional solace. This can be comforting for some but may be perceived as cold or detached by those who seek emotional connection.

Career Paths and Professional Development

The career trajectory of an Enneagram 3 Self-preservation subtype is often marked by a series of calculated moves aimed at achieving long-term security and success. These individuals are well-suited for careers that reward practical achievements and long-term planning. Fields like finance, project management, and engineering might be particularly appealing to them.

Their strong work ethic and reliability often make them indispensable team members. They are usually well-organized, punctual, and often take the initiative in the workplace. This makes them excellent candidates for leadership positions, although they may not be as charismatic as other Type 3s.

One area for potential growth in their professional lives is learning to delegate

and trust others. Their desire for personal achievement and control can sometimes make it difficult for them to let go of tasks, leading to potential burnout or an overloaded schedule.

On the flip side, their focus on practical outcomes and risk-averse nature may make them hesitant to seize opportunities that come with a degree of uncertainty. Encouraging them to step out of their comfort zones and take calculated risks could be a valuable growth experience.

Finally, work-life balance is an area that many Self-preservation 3s struggle with. Their commitment to their careers can sometimes overshadow other important aspects of life, including health and relationships. Learning to create a more balanced lifestyle is essential for this subtype’s long-term happiness and success.

Self-Care and Well-being

The Enneagram 3 Self-preservation subtype is often so focused on achievements that they may neglect their own well-being. Exercise, proper diet, and relaxation are usually secondary to the goals they set for themselves. However, this approach is counterintuitive, as physical and mental well-being are fundamental to long-term success.

This subtype would benefit from scheduled “downtime” to rest and recharge. While it might initially seem unproductive to them, the value of rest cannot be underestimated. This pause not only rejuvenates the body but also provides the mental clarity needed for future tasks. Yoga, meditation, or just regular exercise can offer a perfect break and should be integrated into their routine.

Maintaining a social life is another area where the Self-preservation 3 could improve. Social interactions offer emotional relief and often provide different perspectives that are invaluable in personal and professional life. They need to realize that time spent with loved ones is not wasted but is an investment in emotional well-being.

Regular medical check-ups are also crucial for this subtype. Their tendency to push themselves hard can take a toll on their health. Preventive care can help them stay on track and provide peace of mind, which aligns well with their self-preserving nature.

Lastly, this subtype should consider investing time in hobbies or activities that don’t have an end goal. The act of doing something solely for enjoyment can be incredibly freeing and provides a necessary balance to their usually goal-oriented lives.

Spiritual Development and Inner Work

Given their pragmatic orientation, Self-preservation 3s may initially be skeptical about diving into spiritual or introspective practices. However, these could offer the inner balance that they often lack. Engaging in spiritual or mindfulness practices can help them become more attuned to their inner lives.

One specific area where spirituality can aid is in mitigating the constant need for achievement. Many spiritual teachings emphasize the importance of “being” over “doing,” a lesson that can be particularly impactful for this subtype. By learning to value themselves independent of their achievements, they can experience a greater sense of inner peace.

Personal development workshops, retreats, or even philosophical studies can offer new dimensions of understanding themselves. These activities can provide a well-needed break from their routine and offer intellectual and emotional enrichment.

Meditation can also serve as a potent tool for inner work. It can help in focusing their often scattered energy and bring attention to the present moment, alleviating stress and fostering a sense of peace.

It’s important to note that spiritual or inner work isn’t an abandonment of their practical focus but an addition to it. By achieving a more rounded self-view, they can approach their goals with a balanced, wholesome perspective that includes not just what they want to achieve, but also who they want to become.

Managing Stress and Avoiding Burnout

The risk of stress and eventual burnout is particularly high for the Enneagram 3 Self-preservation subtype due to their strong focus on achievement and security. Therefore, stress management isn’t just a wellness tip for them; it’s a necessity. Identifying early signs of stress can prevent a downward spiral into burnout.

For this subtype, practical stress-management techniques may work best. Time-management skills, to-do lists, and setting realistic goals can all help manage their workload and consequently, their stress levels. Balancing out these practical approaches with relaxation techniques like deep-breathing exercises or short walks can offer immediate relief during high-stress situations.

Learning to say no is another valuable skill that can help manage stress. Given their goal-oriented nature, the idea of turning down an opportunity or additional responsibility may seem counterintuitive. However, overcommitting spreads them too thin and leads to increased stress levels.

Support networks, either in the form of family, friends, or even professional counselors, can provide an outlet for stress. Often, discussing concerns or fears can lessen their emotional weight, providing a new perspective that makes problems seem more manageable.

Finally, setting aside time for rest and hobbies can act as natural stress-busters. These activities provide a mental break and often lead to improved efficiency and focus, making them well worth the time investment.

Long-term Goals and Self-fulfillment

The long-term goals of a Self-preservation 3 often align with achieving a secure, stable life that allows them to fully utilize their skills. However, in the pursuit of these goals, they should also consider what truly fulfills them. Fulfillment doesn’t always come from reaching a milestone; often, it comes from the journey itself and the personal growth experienced along the way.

To achieve a fulfilling life, this subtype needs to integrate emotional and spiritual goals alongside their practical ambitions. Emotional intelligence, for example, is not just beneficial for personal relationships but can also be a valuable asset in a professional setting.

Financial independence may be a key focus for many in this subtype. While this is an important goal, they should also consider what they would like to do once this independence is achieved. Planning for this second phase of life can add an extra layer of motivation and excitement.

The concept of ‘legacy’ can also be integral to their long-term planning. Beyond material achievements, many Self-preservation 3s desire to leave a lasting impact, whether it’s through their work, contributions to community, or through nurturing a family.

Ultimately, self-fulfillment for this subtype comes from a balanced life that honors their practical needs while also nurturing their emotional and spiritual growth. A well-rounded life plan that considers all these facets is likely to bring them the most satisfaction and peace.