Which Enneagram Type are You?

Find out which Enneagram matches your personality type, and gain deep insight on how to enrich your life, relationships, career and more.

Enneagram 3 Careers

enneagram 3

Corporate Leadership and Management Roles

For the ambitious and achievement-oriented Enneagram Type 3, a career in corporate leadership or management offers a pathway to measurable success and recognition. Type 3 individuals thrive in environments where their skills can shine, and their accomplishments are clearly seen and rewarded.

Roles such as Chief Executive Officer, Marketing Director, and Project Manager allow Type 3s to set goals and work towards them in a structured environment. The corporate ladder offers clear milestones, enabling a Type 3’s natural tendency to benchmark their progress and strive for the next level.

However, the high-pressure atmosphere and constant focus on performance can sometimes push Type 3s to the brink of burnout. It’s important for them to remember that career achievements don’t solely determine self-worth.

Maintaining a work-life balance is also crucial. While the drive to succeed can be all-consuming, neglecting personal relationships and self-care can lead to diminishing returns in workplace performance over time.

Overall, corporate leadership roles can offer the status and challenges many Type 3s seek, but they come with their own pressures and responsibilities that require a balanced approach to life and work.


The entrepreneurial world is another arena where Type 3s can excel. The challenge of building a business from the ground up can be incredibly rewarding for them. They thrive on the autonomy, the responsibility, and, most importantly, the opportunity to create something that showcases their abilities.

In a startup environment, Type 3s can find themselves wearing multiple hats—fundraiser, manager, strategist—which keeps them engaged and offers multiple avenues for achievement. Entrepreneurship’s high-risk, high-reward nature is often aligned with their love for challenges.

The flip side of entrepreneurship is that it’s fraught with uncertainty and setbacks. For a Type 3, whose self-image is often tied to their accomplishments, failures can be particularly disheartening. Resilience and adaptability are key.

It’s also worth noting that entrepreneurship often requires a long-term commitment and may not provide immediate accolades or financial rewards. This delay can be challenging for Type 3s, who often seek quick, visible markers of success.

Given these considerations, entrepreneurship can be a double-edged sword for Type 3s. While it offers immense opportunities for achievement and recognition, it also requires a level of emotional resilience and patience that can be challenging to maintain.

Sales and Business Development Roles

Enneagram Type 3 individuals often find a natural fit in sales and business development roles. These careers offer direct, quantifiable measures of success—be it sales numbers, new contracts acquired, or territories expanded.

The interpersonal aspect of sales—negotiating deals, networking, building client relationships—can also be rewarding for Type 3s. They often possess the social skills needed to navigate complex business environments and can adapt their communication style to suit different audiences.

However, the constant pressure to meet targets and outperform competitors can take a toll. Like other high-stress careers, sales roles require Type 3s to manage their emotional well-being carefully.

There’s also the ethical aspect to consider. The drive to close deals and achieve high sales figures can sometimes lead to moral gray areas. Type 3s will need to ensure that their actions align with their personal and professional values.

Despite the challenges, a career in sales or business development offers the competitive environment and the performance metrics that many Type 3s find fulfilling. It allows them to showcase their skills in a way that leads to tangible results and recognition.

Media and Public Relations

In the age of personal brands and social media, media and public relations careers offer another avenue for Type 3s to excel. These roles are about crafting narratives, whether it’s for an individual, a product, or an organization. And narratives are powerful markers of success.

As a PR manager or a media consultant, Type 3s can employ their knack for understanding public perception and their ability to shape it. These roles are fast-paced and often have high visibility, especially when successful campaigns go viral.

The constant need for innovation and adaptability in media and PR roles offers Type 3s a challenging and dynamic work environment. Every campaign or project is an opportunity for them to set new standards and earn recognition.

However, these careers also come with their own set of challenges. Public opinion is fickle, and campaigns can backfire. Managing failures and adapting strategies is crucial for long-term success in this field.

Type 3s in media and PR must also navigate the complex ethical landscape that comes with shaping public opinion. Transparency, honesty, and a commitment to ethical conduct are essential traits to maintain in this highly scrutinized field.

Healthcare and Medicine

For Enneagram Type 3s who are interested in making a tangible impact on people’s lives while still fulfilling their need for achievement, healthcare and medicine can be rewarding fields. Occupations like doctors, surgeons, or healthcare administrators provide a structured environment where success and progression are clearly defined and highly respected.

In healthcare, the stakes are high. Lives are often on the line, and a Type 3’s natural inclination for thoroughness and effectiveness can be invaluable. Their knack for setting and achieving goals can help them excel in patient care, research, or administrative roles within the healthcare system.

However, the emotionally charged environment of healthcare can be a double-edged sword for Type 3s. While their skills are highly valued and can lead to a sense of accomplishment, the gravity of their work can also result in high levels of stress and emotional fatigue. It’s crucial for them to find ways to manage this emotional load while still pushing toward their goals.

Ethical considerations are paramount in healthcare careers. The focus for Type 3s should not only be on achievement but also on maintaining the highest ethical standards. Balancing their drive for success with ethical responsibilities can sometimes be a challenging act.

Overall, healthcare careers can offer Type 3s an opportunity to merge their ambitions with meaningful impact. Their natural tendencies to strive for excellence and achieve measurable success can make them effective healthcare providers, researchers, or administrators.

Academic and Educational Fields

The world of academia offers Type 3s an environment where intellectual prowess is recognized and rewarded. Whether as professors, researchers, or education policymakers, they can find avenues to achieve and shine. A successful research publication, a well-received lecture, or a grant award can be highly satisfying achievements for a Type 3.

Being in academia allows them to work on long-term projects, which could be advantageous for Type 3s as it offers them the opportunity to deep dive into a subject and become experts. The cyclical nature of academic life—with periods of intense work followed by semesters off or sabbaticals—can also suit their work-life balance needs.

However, the often slow pace of academic progress can be a potential downside. The lag between research and recognition might be frustrating for a Type 3, who generally seeks quick and measurable signs of success. The process of peer review and academic scrutiny can also be nerve-wracking for those whose self-worth is closely tied to their achievements.

Another consideration for Type 3s in academia is the collaborative nature of much academic work. The focus is often on the collective output of research teams or departments rather than individual achievements. This could be a challenge for those who are used to taking the limelight.

Despite its challenges, academia can be a rewarding field for Type 3s who are intellectually inclined. It provides them with a platform to attain mastery in their chosen fields and achieve recognition through scholarly work.

Creative Professions

Enneagram Type 3s are not just about crunching numbers or climbing corporate ladders; they can also excel in creative professions. Whether it’s graphic design, filmmaking, writing, or performing arts, the creative industry allows them to showcase their skills and receive public acclaim.

In creative roles, Type 3s can channel their ambition into artistic projects. The process of creating something—be it a novel, a film, or a design project—can be as rewarding as the end result. Every completed project adds to their portfolio, giving them a tangible sense of achievement.

However, the creative industry is often project-based and can lack the structured career progression that Type 3s might find in other fields. Financial instability is another concern, especially for those who freelance or work on contractual bases. This lack of security can be stressful for someone who measures their worth through their achievements.

The subjective nature of success in creative professions can also be a challenge. Unlike sales figures or academic citations, artistic success is often harder to quantify. Learning to derive self-worth from the creative process rather than public recognition is a key growth area for Type 3s in these fields.

If they can navigate these challenges, creative professions can offer a fulfilling career to Type 3s, allowing them to integrate their need for achievement with their artistic or creative skills.

Social Work and Non-Profit Sector

Finally, for Type 3s who are looking to align their ambitions with a higher purpose, careers in social work or the non-profit sector can be extremely rewarding. These roles offer an opportunity to make a tangible impact on communities and issues they care about.

Roles such as program directors, community outreach coordinators, or campaign managers allow them to use their strategic thinking and organizational skills to effect change. The achievements in this sector—be it successful fundraising or effective program implementation—are emotionally as well as professionally fulfilling.

However, the non-profit world often comes with limitations in terms of resources. Type 3s may find themselves grappling with budget constraints or red tape, which can slow down progress and be a source of frustration.

Another consideration is the emotional toll that such work can take. Working closely with disadvantaged communities or dealing with challenging social issues can be emotionally draining. Type 3s need to be equipped to handle this aspect of the job.

Despite these challenges, for those who find alignment between their personal values and their work, the non-profit sector can offer a fulfilling path. It allows Type 3s to achieve goals that resonate on a personal as well as a societal level, offering them a broader canvas on which to measure their success.