Which Enneagram Type are You?

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Famous Enneagram 2 Personalities

enneagram 2

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa, also known as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, exemplifies the characteristics of an Enneagram Type 2 in her selfless dedication to serving the poor and suffering. Her life was a testament to her profound sense of empathy and the desire to help others, qualities that are key to Type 2 individuals.

Her work with the Missionaries of Charity, the organization she founded, reflects the Type 2’s natural inclination to put others’ needs before their own. Mother Teresa saw the suffering of others as a call to action, and she responded with compassion and practical assistance.

Mother Teresa also showed the Type 2’s propensity for emotional intelligence. She was remarkably adept at understanding the emotions and needs of those around her, which enabled her to offer not just physical aid but also emotional and spiritual support.

However, like many Type 2s, she also had her struggles. Mother Teresa occasionally experienced periods of spiritual darkness and doubt, but she continued her mission, driven by her deep-seated need to help others.

In summary, Mother Teresa is often cited as a quintessential example of an Enneagram Type 2. Her life’s work, focused on aiding the most vulnerable, showcases the defining qualities of this personality type: empathy, selflessness, and an innate desire to help others.

Nancy Reagan

Nancy Reagan, the wife of the 40th U.S. President Ronald Reagan, displayed several qualities consistent with Enneagram Type 2. Known for her devotion to her husband and her active role as the First Lady, Nancy exhibited the care and nurturing attributes that are typically associated with this personality type.

Her “Just Say No” campaign against drug abuse reflects the Type 2’s inclination to be helpful and take on a protective role in the lives of others. Although the campaign received mixed reviews, her intention was clearly aimed at aiding young people in making better choices for themselves.

Nancy Reagan was also known for her behind-the-scenes influence during her husband’s presidency. Many accounts suggest she was a trusted advisor to Ronald Reagan, providing emotional support and practical advice. This reflects the Type 2’s skill at building deep emotional connections and their tendency to become an indispensable part of others’ lives.

However, she was also criticized for her focus on issues that were considered less significant compared to other pressing matters of the time. This tunnel vision on specific issues or people is a potential blind spot for Type 2s, as it can lead to neglecting broader perspectives.

In summary, Nancy Reagan’s role as First Lady and her initiatives to help others reflect the classic attributes of an Enneagram Type 2. Her life serves as an example of the caring, nurturing, but occasionally narrowly focused qualities typical of this personality type.

Jimmy Carter

Jimmy Carter, the 39th President of the United States, shows several traits that align with an Enneagram Type 2 personality. Known for his humility and sense of community service, Carter embodies the Type 2’s desire to be helpful and to make a positive impact on others.

After leaving the White House, Carter became even more renowned for his humanitarian work, particularly through the Carter Center, which focuses on global health issues, election monitoring, and more. His post-presidential life perhaps more than his time in office, reflects the Type 2’s commitment to direct action for the betterment of others.

Jimmy Carter is also known for his deep religious faith, which has guided many of his actions. This spiritual grounding can be common in Type 2s, as it can provide a framework for their altruistic tendencies.

That said, Carter’s term as President was marked by several challenges, including economic difficulties and the Iran hostage crisis. While his empathetic and supportive nature was evident, some critics argue that his desire to seek harmonious relationships sometimes came at the expense of making tough decisions.

In conclusion, Jimmy Carter’s life and career show the positive attributes of the Enneagram Type 2, including a strong desire to help others and make a positive impact. While he faced criticisms and challenges, his post-presidential humanitarian work reaffirms his Type 2 qualities.

Desmond Tutu

Desmond Tutu, the South African Anglican bishop and social rights activist, is often characterized as an Enneagram Type 2. Notable for his work during the apartheid era and afterwards, Tutu exemplifies the nurturing and altruistic qualities of this personality type.

Tutu played a crucial role in combating racial discrimination and was a pivotal figure in the peaceful transition to a post-apartheid South Africa. His work often focused on reconciliation, a theme that resonates with the Type 2’s desire for positive relationships and social harmony.

He was also a spiritual leader who believed in the intrinsic worth of each individual, regardless of their race or religion. His ability to offer emotional support and inspire others aligns closely with the Type 2 characteristics of empathy and guidance.

Like other Type 2s, Tutu has been inclined to see the good in others, sometimes to a fault. While this perspective enabled him to act as a mediator, it also led to criticisms that he was overly optimistic about human nature.

In summary, Desmond Tutu’s life and activism make him a compelling example of an Enneagram Type 2. His focus on social justice, reconciliation, and the emotional well-being of those around him capture the essence of this nurturing and altruistic personality type.

Celine Dion

Celine Dion, the Canadian singer known for her powerful voice, also displays characteristics that align with the Enneagram Type 2. Renowned for her emotional ballads, she has the ability to connect deeply with her audience, a trait common to Type 2 individuals who are often emotionally in tune with others.

Celine Dion has used her platform and resources to engage in various philanthropic endeavors, including supporting children’s hospitals and cancer research. Her giving nature is indicative of the Type 2’s need to be helpful and supportive to others.

One could argue that her music itself serves as an emotional support for many. The themes in her songs often revolve around love, heartache, and emotional resilience, resonating with people going through challenging times. This connection she establishes with her audience is a classic Type 2 trait.

However, like many Type 2s, Dion has faced personal struggles, including the loss of her husband and longtime manager, René Angélil. Her public mourning and the way she channeled her grief into her music and career show her ability to find strength in emotional connections, another Type 2 characteristic.

In summary, Celine Dion offers a different perspective on the Enneagram Type 2 personality, particularly in the realms of art and entertainment. Her career exemplifies the type’s emotional intelligence, giving nature, and the ability to foster deep connections with others.

Jennifer Garner

Jennifer Garner, the American actress and producer, shows qualities that are typically associated with Enneagram Type 2. Known for her roles in movies that often have emotional depth, Garner brings a sense of empathy and compassion to her characters.

Off-screen, Garner is involved in numerous charitable activities, including advocacy for early childhood education. Her actions reflect the Type 2’s instinct to give back to the community and offer help wherever possible.

Jennifer Garner has also been open about her role as a mother, another area where her nurturing Type 2 traits are evident. She often shares glimpses of her family life, displaying the importance she places on emotional bonds and caregiving.

However, Garner has also faced personal hardships, including a public divorce. While she handled it with grace, this life event tested her Type 2 tendency for seeking love and approval from others.

In summary, Jennifer Garner’s life, both on-screen and off, reflect the nurturing, caring qualities of a Type 2. Her commitment to her art, her philanthropy, and her family all signify the emotional intelligence and altruistic nature of this Enneagram type.

Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou, the American poet, memoirist, and civil rights activist, embodies many of the traits of the Enneagram Type 2. Through her literary works, Angelou explored themes of love, identity, and the human condition, often aiming to uplift and empower marginalized voices.

Her activism and advocacy work showed her commitment to aiding those who were oppressed or disadvantaged, a quintessential Type 2 trait. Angelou was not just a voice; she was also a mentor and a guiding figure for many, highlighting her nurturing personality.

Maya Angelou’s literary work is imbued with emotional wisdom, an essential aspect of the Type 2’s emotional intelligence. Her ability to articulate the complexities of human emotions helped many to better understand themselves and the world around them.

Though Angelou faced numerous hardships, including racial discrimination and personal traumas, her focus remained on helping others rise above their circumstances. This resilience and focus on nurturing others are hallmark traits of a Type 2.

In conclusion, Maya Angelou serves as a strong example of an Enneagram Type 2. Her literary and activist legacies are steeped in the characteristics of empathy, nurturing, and the deep-rooted desire to make a positive impact on others’ lives.

Lewis Carroll

Lewis Carroll, the pen name of Charles Dodgson, best known for his classic “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland,” also shows qualities of an Enneagram Type 2. Though not an activist or philanthropist in the conventional sense, Carroll’s contributions to children’s literature have a nurturing and educational aspect.

Carroll was a mathematician and a logician besides being a writer, but it’s his stories that have enchanted children and adults alike for generations. Through these stories, he managed to educate and entertain, a form of helping and nurturing the imagination that aligns with Type 2 characteristics.

His personal correspondence and interactions with children, including the real-life Alice who inspired the story, have often been noted for their warmth and kindness. This demonstrates the Type 2’s affinity for fostering emotional connections and offering guidance.

However, like many Type 2s, Carroll was not without complexities and contradictions. Some historians speculate about his relationships and whether his intent was always as nurturing as it appeared, reminding us that Type 2s can have their own set of challenges and complexities.

In summary, Lewis Carroll’s lasting impact on children’s literature can be seen through the lens of an Enneagram Type 2. His nurturing stories and personal kindness, coupled with the enduring appeal of his work, reflect the traits of emotional connection and helpfulness associated with this type.