Which Enneagram Type are You?

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Enneagram 9 Self-Preservation Subtype

enneagram 9

Introduction to Enneagram 9 Self-preservation Subtype

The Enneagram is a system of personality that describes nine core types, each with its unique motivations, fears, and desires. Within these types, subtypes emerge based on how the type interacts with three key instincts: self-preservation, sexual (one-to-one), and social. The self-preservation subtype of the Type 9, often abbreviated as 9sp or SP9, combines the primary attributes of the Enneagram 9 with the distinct motivations of the self-preservation instinct.

The Core of Type 9:
At its core, the Enneagram Type 9 seeks peace, harmony, and comfort. They desire to avoid conflict and maintain an inner and outer equilibrium. Often labeled the “Peacemaker,” they have a gentle and accommodating nature, sometimes to the point of neglecting their own needs.

The Drive of Self-Preservation:
The self-preservation instinct revolves around personal safety, comfort, and well-being. Individuals with a dominant self-preservation instinct are often concerned with health, financial security, and the practicalities of daily life.

Merging the Two:
When the motivations of Type 9 combine with the self-preservation instinct, the result is an individual particularly attuned to physical comfort, routine, and the maintenance of a stable environment. These individuals will often go to great lengths to secure their personal sanctuaries.

Common Misconceptions:
It’s a mistake to perceive the 9sp as merely lazy or disinterested. Beneath their calm exterior, they possess deep feelings and passions. Their primary goal is not to avoid life, but to experience it without unnecessary disturbances.

Characteristics of the 9sp

Delving deeper into the characteristics of the self-preservation 9, one can discern several distinct behaviors and preferences that set them apart from other 9s and other subtypes.

Love for Routine:
The 9sp finds solace in routines. Consistent habits and rituals, whether it’s a morning coffee or an evening walk, provide them with a sense of security and predictability amidst life’s chaos.

Physical Comfort:
More so than other 9s, the 9sp places a high emphasis on physical comfort. They might invest in a comfortable living environment, prefer casual and cozy clothing, or have specific food preferences that cater to their sense of well-being.

Avoidance of Conflict:
While all 9s tend to avoid conflict, the 9sp does so especially in areas concerning their personal safety and comfort. They might refrain from speaking up about a disruptive neighbor or endure a minor inconvenience rather than risk confrontation.

Financial Security:
The 9sp often places a high value on financial security. They might be more frugal or financially conscious, not necessarily out of greed, but from a desire to maintain a stable and predictable life.

Stress and Health Concerns:
Concerns about health and well-being might be more pronounced in the 9sp. They might be more proactive about health check-ups, or conversely, avoid them out of fear of potential bad news.

Challenges Faced by the 9sp

Like every subtype, the 9sp faces unique challenges arising from the interplay of their core motivations and instincts.

Tendency to Overlook Needs:
While focused on comfort, the 9sp might sometimes neglect genuine needs, both emotional and physical, in favor of maintaining the status quo.

Resistance to Change:
Their love for routine can sometimes transform into a resistance to change, even when such change might be beneficial or necessary. This resistance can limit their growth and experiences.

Avoidance Behaviors:
The 9sp might resort to various avoidance behaviors to escape from disturbances, such as excessive sleeping, eating, or other forms of escapism.

Difficulty with Assertiveness:
Given their aversion to conflict, the 9sp might struggle to assert themselves, particularly in situations where their well-being or boundaries are at stake.

Potential for Complacency:
There’s a risk of the 9sp becoming too complacent, settling for less than they deserve or desire simply because it’s the path of least resistance.

Growth Pathways for the 9sp

Awareness of one’s tendencies, challenges, and strengths provides the foundation for personal growth. For the 9sp, recognizing their unique attributes can guide them towards a more fulfilling and balanced life.

Embracing Change:
By consciously pushing their boundaries and embracing change, the 9sp can experience a richer tapestry of life, discovering that change, while initially unsettling, can lead to greater contentment.

Practicing Assertiveness:
Learning to voice their needs, set boundaries, and address conflicts directly can be empowering for the 9sp, ensuring that they don’t constantly sacrifice their well-being for the sake of peace.

Mindfulness and Meditation:
Engaging in mindfulness practices can help the 9sp become more in tune with their inner desires and feelings, reducing their tendencies to numb out or disconnect.

Seeking Support:
Connecting with others, whether through therapy, support groups, or close friendships, can provide the 9sp with valuable insights and encouragement on their journey of self-discovery.

Engaging in Passion Projects:
By identifying and pursuing activities they’re passionate about, the 9sp can break out of their routine, channeling their energies into endeavors that bring them joy and purpose.

Relationship Dynamics of the 9sp

When it comes to interpersonal dynamics, the 9sp’s unique blend of peace-seeking and self-preservation tendencies play a defining role in how they connect with others.

Romantic Partnerships:
In romantic relationships, the 9sp often seeks a partner who respects their need for personal space and routine. They deeply value harmony and tend to avoid confrontations, making them easy-going partners. However, their aversion to conflict might lead to unresolved issues simmering beneath the surface.

As friends, they are dependable and loyal, often acting as the calm in the storm. Their homes might become a sanctuary for close friends, offering a space of peace and relaxation. Yet, there might be times when they prefer solitude over socializing, which can be misconstrued as disinterest.

Family Ties:
Within the family, the 9sp tends to play the role of the mediator, trying to keep the peace among siblings or between parents. Their preference for routine might make them the keepers of family traditions. However, their tendency to suppress personal desires might lead them to feel overlooked in family decisions.

Work Relationships:
In the workplace, the 9sp often prefers roles that offer consistency and don’t involve high levels of confrontation. They are the colleagues who maintain a steady pace, rarely getting ruffled. But they might struggle to voice concerns or push back against decisions that disrupt their sense of security.

Navigating Conflicts:
Every relationship has its moments of discord. For the 9sp, conflicts can be particularly unsettling, prompting them to either capitulate quickly or withdraw entirely. They might benefit from learning constructive conflict resolution skills to ensure their needs aren’t perpetually sidelined.

Integration and Disintegration Points for 9sp

The Enneagram system describes paths of integration (growth) and disintegration (stress) for each type. Understanding these paths can offer profound insights into the 9sp’s potential highs and lows.

Integration to 3:
When moving in the direction of growth, the 9sp takes on some positive attributes of Type 3. They become more engaged, ambitious, and proactive, channeling their energy into meaningful pursuits and showing a newfound assertiveness.

Disintegration to 6:
Under stress, the 9sp may exhibit some challenging traits of Type 6. They might become more anxious, wary, and indecisive, doubting their decisions and constantly seeking external reassurance.

Maintaining Equilibrium:
For the 9sp, striking a balance between their natural tendency for peace and the attributes of their integration and disintegration points can be enlightening. Embracing the drive of Type 3 while being aware of the anxieties of Type 6 can lead to a more harmonized life.

Becoming Their Best Self:
By recognizing these paths, the 9sp can consciously work towards becoming their best self. They can cultivate the ambition and drive of Type 3, while also addressing and managing the anxieties associated with Type 6.

The Role of Wings:
Wings play a crucial role in this dynamic. For instance, a 9w8 might have a more assertive streak naturally, while a 9w1 might bring a sense of idealism to the mix, further influencing their paths of integration and disintegration.

Personal Growth Recommendations for 9sp

Recognizing one’s tendencies is the first step towards growth. For the 9sp, there are specific strategies and practices that can amplify their well-being and self-awareness.

Active Engagement:
Seek out activities or hobbies that demand active participation and engagement, pulling them out of passive routines and offering invigorating experiences.

Setting Boundaries:
Learn the art of setting boundaries. While maintaining peace is essential, it shouldn’t come at the cost of one’s personal well-being. It’s okay to say ‘no’ when necessary.

Dedicate time to introspection. Understand personal desires, fears, and dreams. This can prevent the feelings of “drifting through life” and offer a clearer sense of direction.

Seek Feedback:
Engage in open conversations with trusted friends or mentors. Sometimes, an external perspective can offer insights into patterns one might be oblivious to.

Physical Activity:
Given their emphasis on physical comfort, channeling energy into physical activities like walking, yoga, or any sport can be rejuvenating and can help in grounding them.

The Spiritual Dimension of 9sp

Many individuals turn to the Enneagram as a spiritual tool. For the 9sp, understanding their type can provide profound spiritual insights and foster a deeper connection to the self and the universe.

The Quest for Inner Peace:
At their core, 9s seek inner peace. Spiritually, this translates to a deep yearning for unity with the universe, a desire to be at one with everything.

Mindfulness and Meditation:
These practices can be particularly beneficial for the 9sp. They help in staying present, acknowledging suppressed feelings, and experiencing the moment in its entirety.

Exploring the Physical Realm:
Given their focus on physical comfort and well-being, practices that emphasize body-awareness, like tai chi or qigong, can be enlightening for the 9sp.

Universal Love:
Diving deeper into their spiritual side, 9s can tap into a profound sense of universal love, seeing themselves as an integral part of the vast tapestry of existence.

Transcending the Ego:
The ultimate spiritual journey for many is the transcendence of the ego. By confronting and understanding their sloth and inertia, 9s can take steps towards this enlightenment, finding true peace not just within, but with the universe at large.